Calamarí LNG, located in the city of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), is currently positioned as the sole LNG import agent in the country. Founded by three of Colombia´s main Thermal Generator Plants, Termocandelaria S.C.A. E.S.P, Termobarranquilla S.A. E.S.P. and Enfragen Termoflores S.A.S E.S.P. Thermal Generator Plants have access to SPEC Port terminal and Calamarí LNG acts as representative for operational and commercial effects. SPEC provides the services of storage, regasification and gas send out at the LNG terminal. The Terminal is a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU), which connects to the domestic natural gas pipeline grid ( Promigas).
Guarantee our customers the supply of imported natural gas in a reliable manner, adding value to our shareholders.
Consolidate ourselves as a leading company in the commercialization of lng in the atlantic area.
Our staff is trained and experienced in both Natural Gas markets: domestic and international, also committed to always providing a convenient and high-quality service for our clients, based on the companys strong values and ethics.
Over the last years in Colombia, several climate events such as “El Niño” which have occurred between 2009-2010 and between 2015-2016, have forced the government to review the natural gas supply sources for the coming years as well as its offer in general. This, in order to avoid the possibility of gas shortage which can eventually cause an electrical power rationing, as 30% of the energy produced in the country is generated by thermal plants using natural gas as main fuel.
On this revision, it was born the need to build a regasification plant in order to increase natural gas supply in the country and especially as an option to the energy sector. Through its Resolution 062 of 2013, the Energy and Gas Regulation Commission (CREG acronym in Spanish) stablished the alignments for thermal Generators that want to carry out reliability of electrical energy with LNG.
This is why according to the alignments of the regulation above, the thermal group (GT) was stablished in 2015 by Termocandelaria S.C.A. E.S.P., Termobarranquilla S.A. E.S.P. and Enfragen Termoflores S.A.S E.S.P. This group further created Calamarí LNG S.A. E.S.P. to serve as the commercial and operational entity that represents them before SPEC LNG S.A. E.S.P. in LNG supply business.
As of December of 2016 is available and operating the Regasification Port Terminal of SPEC and later on Calamarí LNG began operation in 2017 in the city of Cartagena de Indias. When its operation started in march 2017, also begun the process for expansion in the international market. On its first year of operation, it achieves to strengthen its first commercial relations, by being the first to import an LNG shipment in the country, thus initiating its positioning in Latin America as the sole agent to import this fuel in Colombia.
Calamar� LNG S.A. E.S.P. is a private corporation founded by the three main thermal generators of the north of Colombia: Termocandelaria S.C.A. E.S.P., Termobarranquilla S.A. E.S.P. and Zona Franca Celsia S.A. E.S.P.: